Continuing in their pursuit of world domination, the nerds at Google are developing an iTunes competitor of their own, with a beta version set to debut in 3-6 months. All the geeks seem to agree this is a logical step, following the launch of their media player back in September. Steve Jobs and the dorkwads, lamewads and other miscellaneous wads in charge over at iTunes shouldn't be the only ones nervous about Google getting into this already crowded game, even if they are, by far, the most successful service for music downloads, currently. Microflaccid, Crapster and others should also be wringing their hands. 'Cause Google is, like, really good.
We realize that for most people this isn't nearly as interesting as rocking out to "PopoZoa" ad infinitum. So with that, we encourage you to resume doing so, as we have been since yesterday. This is going to be the best album ever.
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