The fabled DVD of completed sketches for the abbreviated third season of Chappelle's Show ( you know, from back in day, before Dave was all "fuck this bullshit and yo' mama's stank ass, too") is finally going to come out. Watch the trailer for it here, if you haven't already. Comedy Central doesn't give a date, or address whether they plan to air what they have on the network before the DVD's release, but at least they've finally acknowledged that Dave really isn't coming back. At last, they're ready to make money off of Dave anew, and that's the first step in healing, friends.
-G. Lewis
And BTW, I found out Com Central is going to air the footage first. Hooray for TiVo tiding me over until the DVDs are released.
When are they airing the episodes? And what the hell does BTW stand for? I missed the acronym revolution.
-G. Lewis
OMG! "BTW"= "By the way." It's like, the second oldest acronym in the book, LOL. You know, if there were a book. Actually, there kind of is.
And duh, they're airing the new episodes in '06 dumdum! ROTFLMAOBT!
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