Unbeknownst to us, Freddy Prinze Jr. has been in the news recently, claiming he'd cracked a rib. However, the startling truth has come out. We hope you're sitting down for this.
Mr. Michelle Gellar has said he wasn't being honest about his cracked rib, and instead he had simply eaten too much Chinese Food from his favorite restaurant. It's depressing enough that this is even in the news to begin with. But compound this with the fact that we (the pillar of hard-hitting news and integrity that we are), are posting about it, and then a new and interesting form of self-loathing begins to brew-- not to mention our long-festering and pungent Hollywood-loathing. It truly stings the nostrils.
Anyway, we really only brought this piece up in the first place so we could point you to the direct quotation from Prinze regarding this whole "ordeal."
"[My rib] is not cracked. It's officially torn muscles between two ribs. I ate a lot and my stomach was a little upset and I went to bed and I woke up the next day and I felt like I broke a rib. [I ate] a lot of Chinese food. My favorite little place in New York is a place called Chun Lee and they have a lot of food and I ate all of it. It hurts really bad. They gave me Vicodin, but I can't take too much of that because I have to work. So they gave me these anti-inflammatories, but they make me throw up, which tears the muscle more, so it's not really that helpful."
A brilliant wordsmith, indeed! Listening to this guy all day must be pure delight, kind of like hanging out with a retard-- but a retard who's kind of cool because he doesn't look that retarded, especially if you don't look at his face. And the retard is rich, also. Overall, a pretty sweet deal, we think. Buffy is one lucky woman.
1 comment:
Me ashley n lee all agree we slap him whern he comes on the screen even on the computer so rahhh u freddie wierdo u smell so screwwwwww you #
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