It's quite the coincidence that Madonna has a new album coming out, and suddenly there's a barrage of news items with her saying stupid shit of nearly Freddie Prinze Jr.-caliber. Here's the newest, courtesy of Drudge.
In her new documentary film I'm Going to Tell You a Secret, Madonna says that people "are going to go to hell, if they don't turn from their wicked behavior," and resorts to the ultimate in publicity-garnering cheap shots, adding "Most priests are gay." We never knew Kabbalah rhetoric was so similar to Jerry Falwell's.
The movie is set to premier in New York tomorrow. We're sure everyone attending has his fingers crossed for a double feature where they also screen Swept Away. Here's another snippet of Madonna's wisdom:
"I refer to an entity called 'The Beast'. I feel I am describing the world that we live in right now. To me 'The Beast' is the modern world that we live in. [...] The material world. The physical world. The world of illusion, that we think is real. We live for it, we're enslaved by it. And it will ultimately be our undoing."
Sorry Madge, but we'll be busy kicking it in The Beast enjoying our "enslavement" by the "world of illusion that we think is real," before we start listening to an aging pop star who goes around wearing a piece of magical red string thinking she knows everything. It's a good thing you're so famous and rich though, otherwise people might think that you sound crazy and/ or extremely stupid. But, you are those things-- rich and famous, we mean, not crazystupid, so that's a relief. But hey, good luck with the new album, and skanks for the memories.
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