We've refrained from talking about Google for a while because we often forget that most people aren't dorkwad losers, like us. But today, we're saying "fuck all that shit." We haven't come across any notable quotables from silver-tongued celebrities yet, so consider this post self-indulgent filler.
So you know how Craig's List and eBay are pretty huge? Well, word on the street is, Google is working on getting in on their action, possibly opening up their own forum for users to list items and services. Google is being quite impish about the rumors, saying they'll "release more details when there is more news." But in the meantime, we stole the very shitty screenshot above (which you can click for a better view) of Google Base, as it's been named, before they took down the live site yesterday. And there's plenty more screenshots where that came from. So if you're interested for more, you know, just Google it.
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