Foxy Brown has been sloppin' around P.M. in New York, getting down with Tyson Beckford one night, and NBA baller Chris Webber the very next night-- while Tyson was pretending not to be jealous in the adjacent booth. Oh snap! Damn gurl. You nasty.
While Page Six shares this bit of gossip as evidence of Foxy's game and sexual prowess (paired with her being wasted), we think it's simply a case of Foxy making her vagina easier to fuck than a hole in the ground. Throw in a few Appletinis and it's time to play "Who's Dick Is It?" Honestly, when we did a search for a picture of her to put up with this post (the thumbnails make the page look oh-so-much nicer, don't they?), not one of the images returned had her wearing, you know, actual clothes.
So Tyson, if you're still bummed over Foxy playing you like that, allow us to comfort you. Unlike Foxy, we don't have chlamydia and crabs. Besides, that bitch is busted, and has been hitting the pork rinds and quarter waters pretty hard, lately. Two words, Foxy: Ab Lounge.
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