The frigging Pope is telling Catholics to have even more babies. Apparently, condemning contraception isn't doing the trick, and the declining birthrates in predominantly Catholic countries like Spain is "depriv[ing] some nations of freshness and energy and of hopes for the future incarnate in children." Yeah, what the world really needs is a bunch more Catholics in an already overpopulated world, running around telling everyone else how they should live. Sounds perfect. Sadly, it's very likely that a lot of Catholics are going to be daft enough to heed this advice. (Not us though. We haven't set foot in a church since Confirmation. Right after that, we installed that sex-trapeze and got on The Pill.)
How can a leader that millions look to for guidance offer a "solution" to the world's problems that we all know can only end in disaster, thanks to the extremely informative film Bebe's Kids? We fear the real-life manifestation of this classic will be significantly less hilarious.
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